
If you are looking for a Preschool, look no further ..

We are a fully inclusive and welcome all families to our Preschool. Children are accepted from the age of 2 years until they move onto primary school.  Prospective new parents are welcome to visit the Preschool (by prior arrangement – please use our contact form) to see the facilities and meet the team. Our Manager will be glad to show you around and answer any questions or queries that you may have.

For information about what we have to offer, please take a look at the sections regarding settling in, your child’s learning and routine and activities on our website under Admissions. If you wish to apply, please refer to the section on our website about “How to Apply”.

We look forward to hearing from you!  

Please complete and submit this form to apply for a place at the Preschool. Windmill Registration Form

Information about the fees and funding available.

How do we make sure your child settles in to the Preschool on their first day and thereafter.

How do we support your child’s learning and development whilst they are at the Preschool.

What will your child do and experience whilst they are at the Preschool.